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Offering 1:1 lessons for both beginners and braiders who already have knowledge and want to perfect their craft. 

Our 1:1 sessions will provide you with all the tools and info you need to level up in your craft! 

Our 1:1 lessons will reveal all the tips and tricks needed to give your clients the neatest braids.

Join the Queen's circle and learn with Dan!


BEGINNERS -  £450 (7hrs)

TOP UP COURSE - £250 (3hrs)

What you will learn:

- how to execute 2 hairstyles of choice (1 model, 1 hair doll)

- how to create perfect and equal partings for your braids

- how to prepare extensions perfectly for braiding

- CBD's famous 'tuck' method, how to properly hide your client's hair in the braids.

- our tips on braiding right to the ends

- the stitch method 

- how to do all the finishing touches (trimming, hot water, mousse, edges etc)

- product knowledge/recommendations.

You will leave with:

- a goodie bag with our favourite tools & goodies.

- a booklet with what you have learnt.

- a certificate of completion.

What you will learn:

- how to perfect 1 hairstyle that you already have knowledge on. (1 model needed)

- CBD's 'tuck' method, how to properly hide your client's hair in the braids. 

- how to perfect your finishing touches (trimming, hot water, mousse, edges etc)

- any specific improvements you may require.

- product knowledge/recommendations.


You will leave with:

-a goodie bag with our favourite tools & goodies.

-a booklet with what you have learnt.

-a certificate of completion.

For more information and to book your place, click below or email:

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